Pueblo Zoo is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization and is pleased to support many community organizations and schools each year by donating admission tickets for fundraising purposes. Given the large number of requests, ticket donations are limited and must meet specific criteria. Pueblo Zoo relies on its admission revenue to support its own operation and conservation work.
Donation Request Guidelines
Requesting organizations must be located in the geographic Front Range/I-25 corridor from Colorado Springs to Walsenburg.
Organizations must have a current non-profit, tax-exempt IRS 501 (c)(3) status (a photocopy of the current letter must be provided upon request from the Zoo).
School donations must directly support the educational programs of the applying school.
Priority will be given to organizations providing services to families in need, with particular emphasis on organizations providing early intervention services to help strengthen families.
Donations will not be made to the following:
Political fundraisers or organizations that are perceived to be political in any way.
School carnivals, bazaars, raffles, door prizes, prom events or events that do not directly support a school"s educational programs.
Recognition events for employees including holiday parties, picnics, and other employee recognition events.
Individuals, sports teams, performing groups, races.
Third party fundraisers or sales promotions. Each non-profit organization or school is eligible to receive one donation per year (Jan 1 - Dec 31). As multiple events sometimes benefit the same organization, please be advised that a donation may already have been issued through another event.
Evaluation Process:
Requests must be submitted two months prior to the event.
Applications will be reviewed on or around the first day of the month.
Request approvals will be sent around the 7th of the month (to both those approved and not approved)
All donations will be in the form of passes or discounts. No cash donations will be awarded.