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DOWNLOAD the entire field trip packet
Contact Ambrey: asmith@pueblozoo.org

Education Programs bring a new perspective to your curriculum and engage your students with live animals, zoo education staff, and creative activities. We are excited to host your group. Please review the following information designed to find how programs can fit into your curriculum.
Kindergarten and First-Grade program offerings
Animal Tails
Participate in an animal themed story time, activity, and an opportunity to meet that animal up close to learn about its characteristics
Animal Encounters
Observe our ambassador animals up close & learn all about their physical characteristics.
Coats & Colors
Identify animals and use evidence to classify them into groups. Learn how animals are "dressed" for survival. (Recommended for 1st grade only)
2nd through 3rd-grade program offerings
Dig deeper into biodiversity by exploring the diversity of genes within species, the diversity of species in an ecosystem, and the diversity of ecosystems on Earth.
Amazing Adaptations
This program provides students with an in-depth lesson with a hands-on review of animal adaptations and how these help animals survive in the wild
Animal Defenses
Animals have built-in protection systems... but why? What defenses are unique or shared by many species? This program offers answers to those questions along with video clips to better depict animal defenses. ​
4th through 5th-grade program offerings
Animal Growth and Development
Each animals stars life in a different way, from chicken eggs to baby takin, this program takes a deep dive into how animals grow and what systems help them to develop the correct skills and adaptations to survive in the wild.
Colorado Food Chains
Follow the movement of energy through Colorado food chains & learn about all the different biomes that exist right here in our "Colorado backyard." Learn about important animals that live in each part of our ecosystem and the many roles they play to keep our world balanced.
Middle School program offerings
Wolves of the West leads students through an investigation of the biology and history of this native Colorado apex predator. The program explores how society has handled conflicts of interest, past and present, and how changing attitudes are leading to more tolerance of this iconic mammal of The West.
Advanced Biodiversity
Dig deeper into biodiversity by exploring the diversity of genes within species, the diversity of species in an ecosystem, and the diversity of ecosystems on Earth.
Contact us for additional options!
We understand that sometimes your class covers areas not listed above. Contact the education department to find out how we
may work with your to enhance your lessons.
Payments for 'Field Trips' can be paid online at the time of booking.
Payments for educational programs alone or in addition to a field trip must be paid prior to the visit.
The educational administrator will work through the payment process with you.
Chaperone Guide
Thank you for choosing to be a role model for your students today on their trip to the Pueblo Zoo!
A successful field trip necessitates the respect and observance of the following:
Stay with your group
An adult must accompany students at all times. One adult chaperone per 10 students is required. If applicable, we suggest having the cell number of your teacher if you should need to contact them while on our campus.
Be courteous and respectful of other visitors to the zoo
The zoo is a very busy place during the school year. There will likely be other school groups and visitors here on the day of your field trip.
Respect your Pueblo Zoo
All guests, including students of all ages:
Should not disturb plant life
Should not vandalize zoo property
Should not stand on fencing or railings
Care for our animals
Guests, including students, should never feed any zoo animal residents. They are on specific diets to ensure their health and longevity. Compromising these diets can be very harmful to our animals.
Leave no trace
We care about our urban animal friends just as much as our animal residents! Dispose of trash and recyclables properly.
There are many trash cans and recycling receptacles located around the zoo. Help us keep our Pueblo Zoo free of litter.
Be prepared
Talk with the teacher ahead of time and know your responsibilities as a chaperone. Please have a cell phone number for a
teacher. If you become separated from the school, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to contact them. Write down
meeting times/locations and bus information. Know the students in your group and make sure they know you too! Be familiar
with the zoo rules and expectations for behavior.
Gift Shop
You may visit the gift shop with your group, but please be aware that only 10 students are permitted in the gift shop at a time
and must be accompanied by a chaperone. This may mean waiting in line to enter the shop on busy days.
*PLEASE NOTE* Pueblo Zoo has no indoor eating spaces regardless of inclement weather. Be prepared to eat outdoors.
Lunch storage options
Your field trip to the zoo may span the lunch hour. We do not have secure lunch storage facilities, but you may keep lunches
in the public hallway of our administration building. Groups are required to clean up any trash and leave any space the way
that they found it.
Pueblo Zoo offers many areas of the zoo equipped with picnic tables and our guests are welcome to use them. This does not include the Mandari or 30's Club Pavilions. These facilities can be rented for an additional charge. There is also a covered
pavilion located in Pueblo City Park, just outside of the zoo grounds. This pavilion is free to use, though it may be reserved, and operates on a “first-come, first-served” basis. To learn more about reserving this space in City Park, please contact Parks & Recreation at (719) 553-2790.
If you would like to rent one of our pavilions for your group, we will need to know at least two weeks in advance.
Weekday and weekend pricing is available.
Please contact our Zoo Administrator to learn more about these rental options:
Arriving at the Zoo
Buses should enter the zoo parking lot and proceed to the far north end, towards the playground.
Classes should unload from the buses adjacent to the playground and proceed to the grassy area/sidewalk near the concession stand. Use this area to organize your students into chaperone groups.
Due to the limited space at our entrance, we encourage you to organize students prior to entering the gates.
Parent chaperones may park in the zoo parking lot. Due to the high volume of field trips in April and May, please be aware that
the lot may fill up. If this does occur, parents may park in authorized areas throughout City Park.

Bus Parking
After the students have been dropped off, buses may go park.
They may be parked in any legal spot around City Park. Recommended spots are the road in City Park before the dog park (Zoo Ave, Goodnight Ave, Collins Ave).

Rides at City Park
Pueblo Zoo is not responsible for the Rides at City Park.
If you wish to book a time slot for the rides while visiting Pueblo Zoo, you must call the Parks and Rec Department at the City of Pueblo.
They can be reached at 719-553-2790.